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Admin / 29 November 2018 / Explore

The Making of the Nepean - Day 5

After thoroughly researching our first location for today, the Gulguer weir, we knew it was going to be difficult. There appeared to be no easy way to reach it other than crossing private land. There were three possible ways to reach this site. The first required a lengthy walk of 3.3kms along the Gulguer Trail from Bents Basin then another half a kilometer through thick bush and over a possible cliff on the estern side of the valley. I ruled this path out completely.

The second route enabled us to drive to a farm at the end of Rapleys loop Road in Werombi, but we needed to get the farm owners permission to cross his land. If agreed, we had to drive across paddocks, through gates in fences and follow transmission lines, then walk 200m and over a cliff on the western side of the valley. This looked manageable.

Admin / 29 November 2018 / Explore

The Making of the Nepean - Day 4

If you have been watching 'The Making of the Nepean' in sequential order or have watched Day 3 first, you would suspect we were taking a boat trip on the Nepean today. Well... you'd be right. We drove straight to Mike's place (if you don't count stopping for coffee) where he was waiting with boat and trailer attached to his vehicle. So, off we went, travelled the 2.8kms in no time at all and launched the tinny into the Nepean River, from a sandy beach on the upstream side of the weir.

We had barely left the beach when the 'shear-pin' on the outboard motor sheared (I guess that's what shear-pins do).

Admin / 8 November 2018 / Explore

The Making of the Nepean - Day 3

Our main objective today was to visit the Douglas Park weir and while there to locate Mike Williams, a man who was involved in protests against longwall coal mining under Douglas Park. Mike is one of a few people who knows where to find methane gas bubbling in the Nepean. I hoped he might tell us where to see these bubbles. While mapping our route we noticed it was necessary to cross a bridge over the Nepean River on the Hume Highway in Menangle. So, the bridge became our first location to video the river. On the way home, I planned to visit a location that had two features. The Nepean River Reserve in Menangle contains a bridge and a weir on the Nepean.

With a 10am start and coffee in hand we drove 47kms to the bridge on the Hume Highway. I do not recommend you try stopping on a highway let alone start walking around.

Admin / 28 October 2018 / Explore

The Making of the Nepean - Day 2

This is such a thrill. We had a great time on Day 1 and we get to do it again today, with seven new locations. I am finding more places to visit every day. Our first stop after buying coffee at 711 is Cobbitty Road Bridge, then a weir only 270m downstream and completely hidden from the bridge. Later I discovered this was Mt Hunter Weir. There is such a contrast between the seemingly motionless river at the bridge and the water tumbling over the weir.

Following the weir we visited another weir accessed from Ellis Lane. Again, I had no name for it so at the time I called it Camden Weir but it is Cobbitty Weir. We had difficulty getting to this weir and drove through a huge paddock of cabbages before we found the correct path behind a gate that was chained, but fortunately, not padlocked.

Admin / 15 October 2018 / Explore

The Making of the Nepean - Day 1

Welcome to The Making of 'The Nepean' a series of weekly trips I will be making to produce a documentary on the Nepean River in New South Wales. The Nepean River rises in the Southern Highlands about 140kms by road from Sydney and ends at the junction of the Gross River in Agnes Banks, near Richmond, where their combined waters become the Hawkesbury River that flows into the sea. The Nepean is 176.6kms long and flows in a northerly direction through a dam, numerous weirs and under many bridges.

Although, my documentary will start at the source of the river and end when it ends, we will not record in that order. Each recording day will be composed of places, sometimes grouped together and other times only one or two locations, according the distance and/or difficulty of obtaining the video I need.

Today was Day 1 and I had planned a busy day.

Admin / 8 October 2018 / Holidays & Trips

Robertson's Famous Pie Shop

Today Jeff, Fiona (Jeff's daughter) and I did a road trip to have lunch at the Robertson Pie Shop because Jeff claimed their pies were the best pies he has ever eaten. So, we set off at about 11am for a 130km drive south from Sydney.

The township of Robertson is located on the edge of an elevated plateau (the Illawarra escarpment) about 35kms from the coast. It is known for its high annual rainfall and fertile soil. It was previously covered by an extensive temperate rainforest, most of which has been cleared for farming though remnants such as Robertson Nature Reserve still exist today.

Holiday Video
Admin / 13 September 2018 / Holidays & Trips

Scarborough Hotel

Where is the Scarborough Hotel?, you ask. I'm not going to point out the obvious. Jeff and I decided to go there for lunch and video our trip. So, this is it. We live on the outskirts of the Sydney Metropolitan Area, near the Blue Mountains, so we welcomed the opportunity to visit the coast. Everyone likes to gaze out over the ocean and ponder gentle thoughts. In our case, we wanted a beer.

We set off giving us enough time to arrive before the kitchen closed and travelled through Liverpool, then Waterfall before entering the Royal National Park with its narrow roads and lush vegetation.

Holiday Video
Admin / 25 June 2018 / Holidays & Trips

2018 Adelaide Showcase

It was more like a week-end holiday rather than a dance competition so I recorded my trip from Sydney to Adelaide and return for nostalgic reasons. If you're interested, I have been studying Latin and Ballroom dancing for 13 years and every now-and-then the studio arranges trips for students to show off their skills. There are no prizes just the satisfaction of dancing in a competition environment without making too many mistakes. It's fun but pre-dance jitters sometimes take over. One person described it as 'Event Energy' meaning the people, lights, music and colour can be quite overpowering.

I had not visited Adelaide for a long time, so it was time to catch a plane, stay at the Hilton Hotel and... party. Yes, left Sydney Saturday lunchtime and after settling in for a few hours I was spirited away to the Adelaide Arthur Murray Studio for an evening of food, drinks and dancing. Sunday was showcase day.

I'm not going to dwell on the dancing. I did well. Sunday evening our studio group had a private dinner at the hotel and Monday morning we flew back to Sydney. Next time the Adelaide Studio might attend our showcase.

Humour Video
Admin / 11 May 2018 / Humour

1993 Prime Gold Coast Xmas Goof Tape

Each year the Videotape and/or News Department of the Television Station produce a Christmas Party recording of the current years' bloopers, goofs and humourous video clips to be shown during their end of year christmas party. This is one of those tapes.

Humour Video
Admin / 11 May 2018 / History

1991 TEN Perth Xmas Goof Tape

Each year the Videotape and/or News Department of the Television Station produce a Christmas Party recording of the current years' bloopers, goofs and humourous video clips to be shown during their end of year christmas party. This is one of those tapes.