Welcome to The Blue Mountains

Lookouts & Waterfalls

GPS data below

 The Blue Mountains - Series

 Walks with GPS Co-ordinate Files

How to download these files:

CLICK the episode you require from the list below
'Select All' and copy the text to your clipboard
Open a Plain Text document writer and SELECT 'New'
PASTE the clipboard into the new document
SAVE the document in a familiar place ie. Desktop
RENAME the file into this format: name.gps ie. episode19.gps
UPLOAD the new file to your GPS device

Episode 19 - 16 Feb 2022 - Burrabarroo Lookout, Lomandra Lookout, Banksia Lookout & Honeymoon Point

Episode 20 - 21 Mar 2022 - Honeymoon Lookout, Millamurra Lookout, Tallwalla Lookout, Lady Carrington Lookout & Spooner's Cave

Episode 21 - 3 May 2022 - Lady Game Lookout, Three Sisters Lookout, Oreades Lookout, Spooner's Lookout, Prince of Wales Lookout & Queen Elizabeth Lookout

Episode 22 - 20 Sep 2022 - Lady Darley's Lookout, Allambie Lookout, Little Milou Lookout, Wollumai Lookout, The Sphinx, Cliff View Lookout, Katoomba Cascades

Episode 23 - 26 Oct 2022 - Duke & Duchess of York Lookout, The Watchtower, Solitary Lookout, Katoomba Falls Lookout, Orphan Lookout & Witches Leap Lookout

Episode 24 - 8 Dec 2022 - Witches Leap, Rainforest Lookout, Queen Victoria Lookout, Juliet's Balcony, Vaniman's Lookout

Episode 25 - 25 Jan 2023 - Eagle Hawk Lookout, Malaita Lookout, Malaita Wall, Landslide Lookout, Helga's Lookout & Narrow Neck Lookout.

Episode 26 - 8 Mar 2023 - Devil's Eye, Devil's Eye Arch, Boars Head Rock & Peckman's Lookout. (Extras: Birdie's Dell & Gracie's Hill)

Episode 27 - 20 May 2023 - Therabulat Lookout, Bonnie Doon Reserve & North's Lookout

Episode 28 Part 1 - 27 Jan 2024 - Radiata Plateau (Megalong Trig., Old Dam & Path to Black's Ladder)

Episode 28 Part 2