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Humour Video
Admin / 6 December 2019 / Humour

1994 QTQ Brisbane Xmas Tape

Each year the Videotape and/or News Department of the Television Station produce a Christmas Party recording of the current years' bloopers, goofs and humourous video clips to be shown during their end of year christmas party. This is one of those tapes.

Railway Video
Admin / 30 November 2019 / Railway

Penrith Steam Shuttle - Garratt 6029

Event date: Sunday 20 October 2019

In this video Jeff and I enjoy one of five 1 hour train rides from Penrith to Springwood and return. We rode in one of a number of heritage train carriages pulled by the Beyer-Garratt steam locomotive number 6029. Locomotive 6029 was originally used as a freight engine, first introduced by the NSW Railways in 1954 and underwent major boiler repairs earlier this year. It has since been returned to heritage service with a fresh coat of black paint featuring its original red line paneling.

Although, as the crow flies, it is only 13.5kms from Penrith to Springwood trains have to travel 25kms due to their inabilty to climb steep slopes or turn sharp corners. With this in mind, we travelled the 50kms in about 50 minutes with a 10 minute stop at Springwood. Not too shabby, really.

Watch our daring stunts holding camera's out the windows as we travelled onboard and view great scenes of the steam train passing, from our various vantage spots, during its subsequent trips.

History Documentary
Admin / 1 January 2020 / History

The Lapstone Zigzag

First Shown: 11 November, 2019 on YouTube

Join us as travel back in time, when bullock trains were replaced by steam trains, from Redfern, through Strathfield, Parramatta, Blacktown and Penrith towards the west.

In this video we traverse the path of the first railway line from Emu Plains to the top of Lapstone Hill.

In the course of our travels we will discover lost portions of rail line and locate significant landmarks such as Bottom and Top Points, Knapsack Viaduct, Lucasville Station and the site of Lucasville House.

History Documentary
Admin / 23 September 2019 / History

The Nepean River

First Shown: 22 September, 2019 on YouTube

The Nepean, in New South Wales, Australia, was first known by three names, the Cowpasture River, the Mittagong River and the London River. It was eventually named after Evan Nepean the Under Secretary of the Home Office, in Britain. It is called Yandhai (Yarr nd harr i), by two indigenous people, the Gundungara, of the Goulburn region and the Darug, who were known as the Mulgoa, or Mulgowee clan.

The early years of British colonisation were hard on the Nepean. Farmers stripped the trees and bushes from its banks while making pasture land, enabling its water to gouge away, it’s banks during the many floods, it had to endure. Nothing that we see today reminds us of how energetic the Nepean once was. Dams and weirs have been built to steady the flow, and draw off its precious cargo, to quench the thirst, of the expanding population of Sydney. All we see now is a weary, slow moving river tamed and shackled by man for its life-blood. water.

Humour Video
Admin / 25 July 2019 / Humour

1994 BTQ 7 Brisbane Xmas Tape

Each year the Videotape and/or News Department of the Television Station produce a Christmas Party recording of the current years' bloopers, goofs and humourous video clips to be shown during their end of year christmas party. This is one of those tapes.

Admin / 23 May 2019 / Explore

The Making of the Nepean - Day 15

It is said that "All good things come to an end" and it is true in our case. We found the excitement of discovery and the beauty of the environment rather compelling. But it all ended today when we visited Castlereagh and searched for the split in the river and found the Nepean not only dividing its course but displaying a lake-like calendar scene and a set of rapids behind the Huntington Estate.

Humour Video
Admin / 25 July 2019 / Humour

1994 TEN 10 Xmas Tape

Each year the Videotape and/or News Department of the Television Station produce a Christmas Party recording of the current years' bloopers, goofs and humourous video clips to be shown during their end of year christmas party. This is one of those tapes.

Admin / 16 May 2019 / Explore

The Making of the Nepean - Day 14

Today we visited the Junction of the Nepean and Warragamba rivers. It is three and a half kilometers downstream from the Warragamba Dam and a most beautiful serene place, but in times passed, it was a fiercely turbulent mixing point during floods, that ravaged downstream Penrith and Windsor.

The Upper Nepean Scheme mentioned earlier, helped diminish flood intensity in the Nepean, but the Warragamba river was another matter, as it was capable of adding more than double the amount of water to downstream flooding.

Admin / 9 May 2019 / Explore

The Making of the Nepean - Day 13

Wallacia Weir was our destination today and my research indicated that the weir was not easy to reach. Regardless, we set off knowing we had the whole day to accomplish this video segment for my documentary "The Nepean". My map indicated that we had to leave the car on Silverdale Road, at a locked gate, 920m west of Mulgoa Road, Wallacia.

By the look of it the dirt road from the gate had not had a vehicle on it for years and the house it went past was deserted. We walked on and found a large open shed full of old machinery and logs sawn and stacked for firewood. But nothing in the shed suggested that anyone had worked there for years.

Humour Video
Admin / 7 May 2019 / Humour

1994 ATN 7 Sydney Xmas Tape

Each year the Videotape and/or News Department of the Television Station produce a Christmas Party recording of the current years' bloopers, goofs and humourous video clips to be shown during their end of year christmas party. This is one of those tapes.