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Humour Video
Admin / 11 May 2018 / Humour

1991 BTQ 7 Xmas Goof Tape

Each year the Videotape and/or News Department of the Television Station produce a Christmas Party recording of the current years' bloopers, goofs and humourous video clips to be shown during their end of year christmas party. This is one of those tapes.

Humour Video
Admin / 10 May 2018 / Humour

1993 TEN Sydney Xmas Goof Tape

Each year the Videotape and/or News Department of the Television Station produce a Christmas Party recording of the current years' bloopers, goofs and humourous video clips to be shown during their end of year christmas party. This is one of those tapes.

Holiday Video
Admin / 28 January 2018 / Holidays & Trips

Hularama Hawaii - Dance-O-Rama

Who hasn't wanted to go to Hawaii? I had not contemplated going until an opportunity to attend an International Arthur Murray Dance-O-Rama (Hularama in Hawaii) came up. So, I signed up for a 4 night stay at the Hilton Waikoloa Resort on the big island, Kona. I flew Hawaian Airlines and the colourful dress of the cabin staff put everyone in the holiday spirit. Other students from my studio were on-board the flight but as each of us booked our own seats we were scattered all about the cabin.

Ten hours after take off I was on the ground in Honolulu.

History Documentary
Admin / 24 July 2017 / History

The Lapstone Deviation Tunnel

First Shown: 24 July, 2017 on YouTube

This Documentary retraces the path the first steam locomotives took to cross the Blue Mountains. In the 1800's no one believed it possible to cross the Blue Mountains until three stockholders, Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth saw the necessity to find new pastures for their cattle, so in May, 1813, the three set off from South Creek with four attendants, pack-horses, and several dogs and successfully blazed a path through the mountains to the Western Plains.

Holiday Video
Admin / 9 June 2017 / Holidays & Trips

Driving Incident - May 2017

Have you ever seen a person using their vehicle as a weapon? I say to these people 'Driving is not a 'Right', it's a privilege. The sooner these bullies (as that's what they are) are off the road the safer everyone will be. Until now the Police have had to actually see these traffic infringements before anything could be done. But we have dash-cams now and more and more bullies are being shown for what they are. There are even YouTube creators that specialise in showing bad driving videos, like - YOUTUBE -. Well done.

Before I retired I was a Private Investigator (Private Inquiry Agent in Australia) and I specialised in Motor Vehicle Accident Investigation. Have you seen the aftermath of a few accidents? you might ask... a lot. And I have seen first hand some of the actions of bad drivers, like in this video, when an impatient driver sped along a signed left-hand turn lane, across lane markings indicating 'No Entry', crossed a traffic signal where there was no lane, entered a diminishing area on the edge of the road, passed my vehicle on the 'near-side' and pulled in front of me.

Four traffic infringements in a few seconds of dangerous driving and to cap things off when I checked the registration number of the vehicle NSW DJF 880, with the NSW Roads & Maritime Service, they have no record of that number.

Holiday Video
Admin / 9 June 2017 / Holidays & Trips

Dinner Dance - Xenos Restaurant

Sometimes you just 'gotta jump up and dance'. I mustered together 30 people (from the Arthur Murray Crows Nest Studio) and had a great night in the function room at the Xenos Restaurant. I provided the music with my not-so-portable sound system and after a great meal we chatted and danced until midnight and that's after closing time. Thanks Tim.

No showcase, competition or organised Studio outing just us having a good time even when it was raining outside. It sort-of rained on us for a bit as unbeknown to me, the roof of the function room could be rolled back (during sunny weather I guess). And on this occasion a little spray from the heavy falls bounced off one side of the roof and like gossamer, drifted down upon us during our meal. No problem almost everyone carried a small umbrella in their shoe bag, so up went the brollies, over the table and no-one moved.

Great night... maybe someone else will organise a dinner. It wasn't hard.

Holiday Video
Admin / 26 January 2016 / Holidays & Trips

Australia Day - 2016

How many Australia Days have I seen? I'll count them... Oh, I don't have enough fingers. I don't remember as a child having Australia Day. It was probably just a Public Holiday and a day off from school. These days it's an event, but not so much in the burbs, I now have to travel into the city around Sydney Harbour to participate.

For about 30 years I enjoyed the harbour both around it and on it. But now I live 50kms from the CBD and miss the frequent picnics with friends around the shore. I miss my friends on the North Shore who I see less frequently, now. Who's going to come see me way out here?

Australia Day, yes... We met under the southern pylon of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, that's Dawes Point I believe, at 11am to watch the finish of the Sydney Harbour Ferry Race, the Tug and Sailboat antics on the water and jet fly-overs. That's all I show in this video. When we left the the harbour, we wandered back through The Rocks and the city centre to enjoy the days' festivities.

Following the shore-line we went through Hickson Road Reserve, passed the Park Hyatt Sydney Hotel, walked around Campbells Cove, then hot-footed it over to the newly built, Barangaroo Reserve, where we found a small city built out of cardboard boxes. Barangaroo has been constructed to the north of King Street Wharf, where in the past, Sydney had its docks. It was a grungy place but now it is being redeveloped and the reserve will add a little greenery to the concrete jungle.

It was a good day. I hope you enjoy watching the ceremonial part of our day.

Holiday Video
Admin / 26 December 2015 / Holidays & Trips

Malua Bay - Xmas 2015

This video is not really General Interest except for the boat trip up the Clyde River from Batemans Bay. We had a nice lunch by the river at the River Cafe, in Nelligan, then motored back later that afternoon. I had a good time with a high school friend, John Mobbs and his wife. They live in Malua Bay about 12kms south of Batemans Bay. Great area. I travelled annually, during my high school years, to the South Coast of NSW, for holidays and loved it. Now John lives it. Lucky guy.

I spent three relaxing days with them between Christmas and New Year. One day I might get back for another visit. Who knows.

Holiday Video
Admin / 30 November 2015 / Holidays & Trips

The Ettamogah Pub

This video was a bit of fun. My friend Jeff was not working but his daughter, who lives with him, was and I had a part-time job so on this day we decided to visit the Ettamogah Pub, in Dural (Kellyville Ridge to be exact) for lunch and a beer. I drove and we set off from Penrith travelling the scenic route, via Llandilo, Marsden Park, Schofields and Rouse Hill (Approximately 34kms) to reach the Pub by lunch time.

I had scripted a short scene outside the front of the pub so we did that first. As luck has it, bad luck, it was windy but we persisted. With that done we entered the pub where I has envisaged another short scene. I liaised with the Manager and he was so helpful that he assigned us a whole bar with a bar attendant to boot. The bare was empty of patrons so it wasn't difficult for him to manage.

We had a good look around. We did get to have lunch and a beer, just had the beer first.

Holiday Video
Admin / 7 November 2015 / Holidays & Trips

Dangerous Lane Change - Nov 2015

I don't often run a dash cam when I'm driving because nothing ever happens. But today, I was using one that my friend Jeff did not want. It was Saturday and nearly every Saturday I drive to Crows Nest (a suburb on the Lower North Shore) to have a coffee, meet friends, participate in a little dance practice at the studio, then have lunch before heading home.

So, on my way there I was travelling on River Road West, between Lane Cove and Riverview when I stopped for traffic lights at Tambourine Road. I was the second vehicle in the middle lane with a right turn lane on my right and from what I remember a number of cars stopped behind me as the gutter lane had a parked car in it. Just before the lights changed a bus drove out of Tambourine Road and stopped in the gutter lane ahead of us.

No problem I thought, there's no cars beside me in the gutter lane (I checked), so we had a clear way ahead. The lights went green, the bus was still stopped, just ahead of the intersection and off I went following the car ahead. Suddenly, a fast moving vehicle appeared on my left in the gutter lane and seeing the bus stopped in front of him the driver tried to swerve into the small space between me and the car ahead. There wasn't enough room. He was changing lanes and obliged to give way. He didn't. I braked heavily in the middle of the intersection to avoid a collision and he took the lane, drove past the bus and continued on his way. Well done, road hog.