A walk Through Australia Day - 2019

Admin / 28 February 2019 / Explore

A Walk Through Australia Day 2019

First Shown: 27 February 2019 on YouTube

A small group of us meet up, most years, under the southern pylon of the Sydney Harbour Bridge at 11am on Australia Day to watch the finish of the Sydney Harbour Ferry Race then walk back through The Rocks and the city centre to enjoy the days' festivities. The previous video I recorded on Australia Day was in 2016.

We watched the finish of the race and waited under the bridge for the Official Opening Ceremony, saw and heard the 21-Gun Salute, the Anthem Singing and various harbour activities involving sailing boats and tug boats, then helicopter and jet fly-overs.

As it was our usual tradition of have lunch together on this day, we headed into The Rocks and found the Harbour View Hotel. Naturally, the viewing part of the Hotel (on level 3) was packed with patrons so we stayed inside and ate. Eveyone enjoyed their meal, especially Jeff, who said his Wagu Beef Pie was the best he'd ever tasted. He even sent a message to the Chef to that affect.

After lunch, some of the group wanted to go home so we split up and Jeff and I walked to King Street Wharf. Being a typical summer day we soon acquired a thurst - the draught Guiness at lunch wore off quickly - so we bee-lined for Cafe del Mar in Cockle Bay. That's on the eastern side of Darling Harbour. Our energy returned eventually but not before we consumed a couple of beers.

Refreshed and with dreams of one day visiting the original Cafe del Mar on the island of Ibiza in the Mediteranian we left Cafe del Mar and continued our walk towards our destination, Central Railway Station. And that meant going right through the middle of Darling Harbour, past Tumbalong Park and the Sydney Exhibition Centre. That's a nice walk, especially on a warm summer evening.

Reaching the Haymarkets (Paddy Market) we saw the Light Rail going to Central, so we hopped on for a squishy ride. We should have known it would be crowdwd at that time of day. It was 3:30pm and our train left Central at 5 minutes before the hour. Needless to say, we arrived at the railway station as the train departed, so with half hour to spare we headed for the 2000 Acres Bar, on the Grand Concourse, for refreshments.

That ended our video of the day. We caught the 5:20pm out of Central and arrived in Penrith 50 minutes later. It was a good day. I hope you enjoy watching our trip.

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